What a trip!
What a trip!
New York has been a huge inspiration to me ever since I studied there in 2008-2009. It was amazing to be back for a full week in the beginning of September. I stayed in the wonderful neighborhood of Chelsea, just a few blocks from the legendary Village Vanguard and the iconic venues, Smalls and Mezzrow.
In addition to my time in the vibrant Manhattan, I also had the opportunity to visit Pennsylvania to perform at the Black Squirrel Club in Philadelphia and the Lafayette Bar in Easton. Jeff “Tain” Watts was incredibly kind, letting me, Carl Winther, and my assistant Rasmus stay at his place for the night. And what a place it is! Jeff lives in an old 19th-century church with a stunning hall where he rehearses—on none other than Elvin Jones’ own drums! If only those drums could talk! Imagine the stories they could tell from Elvin's days with the John Coltrane Quartet.
Vendsyssel Art Museum
Just a week ago, I performed my new compositions, created specifically for the Vendsyssel Art Museum. Located in the farthest corner of Denmark from Copenhagen, it took me over five hours to get there. I know that doesn’t sound far for people from the States, but for us Danes, it feels like quite the journey! Nevertheless, it was a rewarding experience. I truly hope that my music will enhance the experience for visitors at the museum. The idea is for my recorded compositions to be available for the audience to listen to while viewing the artwork that inspired them. There are five pieces of art in total.