January update

I'm looking forward to a slow start on 2013. I have to small gigs and one recording, so I'll have time to rehearse and compose, which I don't do too often... I'm also going to use a lot of time to book bothe the summer festivals and the fall tours, which I know are going to be some fun tours.
I'll try to put out the recording with George Garzone, Jerry Bergonzi and Bob Moses already this summer, and maybe we will get to play at CPH jazz festival.
As for now I'm planning on touring with Phil Markowitz and Anders Mogensen in the end of November. If everything works out well, we will have a special guest for you, but more about that later...
In December I'm planning on touring wiht my band, Udu, in Poland. That is going to be the first time we will play more than two gigs in a row, so I really hope it works out!
I wish all of you a great star of 2013!

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