Author: Richard Andersson

  • February update

    I just send an important application to Kunststyrelsen yesterday. If I’ll get the grand, it will help me to expand my international network and kik off my international career over the two next years, so I’m really much hoping that!!! I’m playing 3 jam openers this munth. The first one tonight at Jazzhus Montmartre with…

  • January update

    I’m looking forward to a slow start on 2013. I have to small gigs and one recording, so I’ll have time to rehearse and compose, which I don’t do too often… I’m also going to use a lot of time to book bothe the summer festivals and the fall tours, which I know are going…

  • December update from NYC

    I’ve just arrived in DJBFA’s apartment, which is located at 19th street and 8th avenue on Manhattan, New York. Together with my friend, the saxophoneist Tomasz Licak, I’m going to listen to a lot of concerts and do a lot of sessions with my old friends from Manhattan School of Music. Besides hanging around I’m…

  • November update

    Looking forward to some fun gigs this month! First a weekend with Anders Mogensen/Simon Krebs/Richard Andersson trio Friday and then Nikolaj Hess/ Richard Andersson duo and Richard Andersson quartet feat Bob Rockwell, Simon Toldam and Andreas Fryland tomorrow. The 15th I’ll go on a small tour with the two fantastic german horn players, Rudi Mahall…

  • Udu CD release concert

    The new album with my band, Udu, is going to be released on monday the 25th. At 20:30 there will be a small reception and at 21 we will play a concert at U-teater, Odense. Hope to see you there!

Richard Andersson